Tuesday, January 10, 2023

what kind of graduation gift should i get?

Graduation season is here and with it comes the age-old question: what kind of graduation gift should I get? As a special friend, family member, or mentor, you want to give the grad a meaningful and memorable gift that recognizes their hard work and expresses your love and pride in them.

One popular gift idea is a graduation book. Choose a book that reflects their academic success and will inspire them to continue learning. A precious collection of memories in the form of a scrapbook or photo album is also something they'll cherish forever. You can fill it with lessons they've learned while in school, pictures of their friends, or memorable moments from their life so far.

If the grad is headed off to college or out into the workforce, practical items like dorm room decorations or office supplies can also be meaningful tokens of your appreciation. College care packages are also becoming increasingly popular gifts among grads heading off to college. You can fill them up with snacks, toiletries, emergency items like phone chargers, books--whatever reminds them how much you care about their success.

If you're looking for more unique ideas, you could give an experience like tickets to a show or museum exhibit. Alternatively, subscription boxes for products like clothing, health and wellness items, makeup samples—or even indulgences like chocolate bars and coffee blends—make great monthly reminders of how proud you are of them.

See more about graduation gifts

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